Shoppers Footfalls down in past three days as Omicron wave hits

Shoppers Footfalls down in past three days as Omicron wave hits

Shoppers are staying away from malls and high streets amid concerns over the new wave of the pandemic, hurting sales during what usually are busy shopping days at the start of the year.

Footfalls, or the number of visitors, at top malls in Mumbai, Delhi, and Bengaluru were down 15 25% in the past three days compared with this time last year, industry executives said.

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They expect the return of restrictions like night and weekend curfews and limited attendance at gatherings to weigh on business, but the impact to be also short-term as the infections are not seen as severe as during the previous Co vid waves.

They also expect authorities to avoid harsh steps and allow most economic activities to go on.

SOURCE: ET Dt 04-01-2022 

(The news article has not been edited by DFU Publications staff)


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