Recycle Textile Federation : Formed

Recycle Textile Federation : Formed

11 July 2022, Mumbai:

Recycle Textile Federation formed, plans to unite mills across nation.

More than 200 small mills involved in recycling cotton waste into yarn and fabrics across Tamil Nadu have come together and formed a recycle textile federation.

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"Creating awareness among our members on the markets where our products and services have demand is our top focus," said president of Recycle Textile Federation Jayabal in a statement on Sunday.

Headquartered in Coimbatore, the federation presently has 230 members representing various mills from Tamil Nadu, he said.

The fedeartion has plans to bring together such mills across the country to collectively address the needs of the industry, identify markets in different parts of the world, and direct its members to cater to places that need their products and services, Jayabal said.

CREDITS: ET (The news article has not been edited by DFU Publications staff)

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