Flipkart expands seller financing program

Flipkart expands seller financing program

E-commerce giant Flipkart has expanded its seller financing program ‘Flipkart Growth Capital’ and partnered with lenders to give sellers access to credit through its ‘Working Capital’ programme.

As per Fashion Network, Flipkart’s Growth Capital initiative is designed to encourage growth, and promote micro, small, and medium enterprises. The application process for Flipkart’s Growth Capital finance initiative is now swifter and sellers have access to credit options of up to Rs 5 crore, the business announced on May 27.

The move is designed to support Flipkart sellers, especially as many are struggling with the second wave of Covid-19. Partnering with more lenders has enabled the business to provide an increased array of finance opportunities.

Flipkart continues to democratize its marketplace platform to not only make it more inclusive but also build on technology and innovation to help our seller partners with their digital journeys and ambitions, said Ranjith Boyanpalli, Senior Vice President-Marketplace, Fintech and Payments.

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