Jaipur hosts recycling event


21 October 2022, Mumbai:

The Recommerce Sustainable Clothing and Textile Recycling Conference was held in Jaipur, October 19, 2022.

This is an event on waste management. One panel discussion was about the different sustainability strategies for the effective utilization of textile waste. Another was about upcycling and the technical and financial challenges related to it. Another crucial topic focused on saving the environment from plastic waste through sustainable cloth pads and emphasized that using cloth during menstruation rather than plastic disposable pads was the need of the hour.

With the insightful discussions dealing with sustainable textile waste management throughout the event, it became certain that such conferences need to take place at regular intervals as they are not only good to spread awareness, but also for like-minded people and speakers to come together and make a change, leading to a better world and a cleaner environment.

Globally, 92 million tons of textile waste is created annually. Textile waste has become a major factor behind environmental degradation. Textile not only consumes water but degrades soil. Around 56 million tons of clothing are bought each year globally, and this is expected to rise to 93 million tons by 2030 and 160 million tons by 2050.

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