Roadster adds augmented reality tees, anti-viral clothing to line

Roadster adds augmented reality tees, anti-viral clothing to line

In response to increased public health concerns with on-going pandemic, lifestyle and fashion brand Roadster launched clothing and footwear made from anti-viral textiles. The brand has also expanded its product selection to launch a line of Augmented Reality Tees.

Roadster’s new line of AR T-shirts was developed by fashion e-commerce platform Myntra’s Innovation Labs design team. The new range of graphic tees feature a readable AR code which people can scan on the Myntra app on Android phones to bring the graphic to life with sounds and visuals designed to give the experience of being on the road.

The collection features six different scannable designs and the 100 per cent cotton T-shirts. The collection is designed to engage wearers, encourage them to use the Myntra app, and promote Roadster’s identity as a brand for riders. The anti-viral clothing line launched by the brand also includes footwear made from anti-viral textiles designed to kill 99.4 per cent of viral infections they come into contact with. The line features jackets, t-shirts, sneakers, and sweaters among other garments.

Roadster also embraced the shift to virtual events in the ‘new normal’ by holding an online music contest ‘Roadster Ok Please’ last year.

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