Shahi Exports: Pioneering Ethical Cotton Manufacturing


26 May 2023, Mumbai  

Shahi Exports, a leading Indian cotton mill, has partnered with the Responsible Sourcing Network, marking a significant development in the cotton manufacturing industry.

As the first Indian cotton mill to undergo a Yarn Ethically & Sustainably Sourced (YESS) assessment, Shahi Exports reaffirms its commitment to ethical business practices.

Milestone in Transparency

The CEO of the Responsible Sourcing Network, Patricia Jurewicz, hails this partnership as a milestone in the pursuit of responsible and transparent cotton supply chains.

Inviting industry members to join the cause, Jurewicz emphasizes the importance of training and assessing mills, expanding the assessments in India later this year.

Building Transparent, Labor-Free Supply Chains

Shahi Exports aims to establish a transparent supply chain free from forced labor, aligning with the Responsible Sourcing Network's objectives. Introduced at a workshop attended by industry leaders, the YESS standard underscores the significance of due diligence.

Following the workshop, independent assessments were conducted at Shahi Exports' knitting and spinning facilities in Shivamogga.

Commitment to Ethical and Sustainable Practices

Anant Ahuja, Head of Organizational Development at Shahi Exports, emphasizes the company's dedication to ethical, fair, and sustainable practices. As India's largest apparel manufacturer and exporter, Shahi Exports is eager to align itself with global standards of due diligence. Recognizing the need for industry collaboration, Shahi Exports believes that YESS will be instrumental in achieving its goal.

Promoting Ethical Cotton Manufacturing

The partnership between Shahi Exports and the Responsible Sourcing Network signifies a crucial step toward promoting ethical cotton manufacturing. By setting an example and prioritizing responsible and transparent supply chains through the YESS assessment, Shahi Exports paves the way for others in the industry.

This initiative aims to bolster the credibility and sustainability of the cotton manufacturing sector, highlighting the importance of ethical business practices in today's global market.

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