Permitting malls to reopen can save lakhs of jobs: Kumar Rajagopalan, CEO, RAI

7th August 2021, Mumbai:
Kumar Rajagopalan, CEO, Retailers Association of India (RAI) says, permitting malls to operate will not only pave the way for citizens to shop in a safe and sanitized environment but will also save jobs of lakhs of livelihoods the mall ecosystem supports,
The continued closure of malls in Maharashtra due to COVID-19 pandemic is a big blow to business and lakhs of people working there, Rajagopalan added.
He claimed there is a misconception that being air-conditioned spaces, malls could exacerbate the pandemic situation and there is no medical guideline or evidence that prohibits the use of air conditioners in view of the virus.
Malls have been diligently following all standard operating procedures (SOPs) on preventive measures issued by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to ensure the safety of the staff and citizens.
Malls in Maharashtra generate a business of around Rs 40,000 crore and contribute Rs 4,000 crore in GST, per month. Their prolonged closures are impacting more than 2 lakh people employed in about 50 malls in the state, he added.
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