Maharashtra spinning mills appeal to government for 'Extension of Power Rebates'

17 November 2021, Mumbai:
The state government had granted a three-year subsidy of Rs 3 per unit to the mills until December 31, 2021.
The rebate given by the state government to spinning mills on purchase of power will expire by the end of December this year, top officials of the Maharashtra State Cooperative Textile Federation (MSCTF) said.
The state government had granted a three-year subsidy of Rs 3 per unit to the mills until December 31, 2021. The mills are expected to set up solar power plants at their premises in these three years in lieu of the subsidy.
MSCTF, along with the representatives of cooperative spinning mills, met the Maharashtra state textiles commissioner in Nagpur last week to seek a further extension on the power rebate, Ashok Swami, chairman, MSCTF, said. “The mills are currently finding it difficult to purchase cotton for their requirements because of the high prices of the commodity.
The high electricity rates will only add to their problems,” he said. None of the mills have set up solar power plants because permission has been granted only for 1-megawatt (MW) capacity power plants, which generate electricity for barely two hours, Swami pointed out.
It is not viable for mills to set up these plants unless the government relaxes this condition and grants permission for 10-MW to 12-MW power plants, he said. Financial Express
(The news article has not been edited by DFU Publications staff)
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